The listed Accredited Certification Bodies can be mandated by the manufacturer to conduct
Only Accredited Certification Bodies currently listed on this page are approved by EPD International AB to carry out EPD verification and EPD Process Certification to The International EPD System.
Accredited Certification Bodies work independently and without the direct involvement of the Secretariat in seeking out assignments; the Secretariat is independent and not involved in this market transaction. I.e. manufacturer and Accredited Certification Body manage the process from contacting to signing of the contract for verification resp. ceritification. The Secretariat recommends manufacturers to contact 2-3 Accredited Certification Bodies when requesting a quote.
When you want to get the contact details for the Accredited Certification Bodies, please log-in to our EPD Portal. For guidance, refer to our FAQ section: "How do I get in touch with a verifier?"
To get the details, please read the information on this page and in our GPI (section 4.10 ff.) with care. Amongst others, here we inform about the requirements your organisation will need to meet and the procedure.
General information (more details in our GPI)
The verifier (i.e. an individual or a team of individuals within a certification body) shall be independent and have the following competencies.
General product certification competencies:
The general requirements regarding competence for certification bodies are specified in ISO/IEC 17065:2012 "Conformity assessment – Requirements for bodies certifying products, processes and services", Sections 6.1 and 6.2.
Specific competencies related to EPD and verification, including:
Specific competence requirements for certification bodies
In general, the team of personnel carrying out the verification in a certification body should have:
In case the verifier is a body that lacks the necessary competence among its own employees, they shall have such competence at the management level that makes it possible:
Approval of certification bodies shall be made by accreditation bodies that shall to take part in international cooperation and follow multinational agreements such as EA or IAF MLA (Multinational Agreements). There is also a standard for accreditation bodies related to such activities (ISO/IEC 17011).
The accreditation bodies currently known accrediting certification bodies for EPD verification and/or EPD Process Certification, or expressing interest in doing so are listed below:
The listed accreditation bodies may be able to perform their services in other countries as well.